Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kennady 3rd Birthday! Princess Party!

Prepare for my blog catch up! I am going to post one a night until I am caught up and Kennady's bday is July 1st so a lot to go!! And I can't really remember what happened in June so I need to go through my pics and figure it out!

Well Kennady is in love with the princesses right now, and so when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday cake she said she wanted a castle cake! So I attempted to make a castle cake the best that I could. Her birthday was pretty crazy, we were actually in St. George that weekend since it was the 4th of July weekend (that post to come next :)) so we celebrated her birthday the following weekend and decided to have family and a few friends over to the park by our house to have cake and ice cream. Kennady is such a smart little girl. She can talk your head off, she knows how to say everything, and sometimes when she talks I think "where did she learn how to say that?" She sings quite a few songs, many primary songs, she knew her primary part song for the program perfect, at night I sing her songs and have so since she was a little baby and she now can sing all of those songs every word, and she knows a lot of princess songs too that she can sing all the way through. She has such a cute personality, she loves being around people and is usually pretty friendly with everyone. She is not very big, she only weighs like 26 lbs. Kennady loves to dress up as princesses, and watch princess movies and play with barbies. Poor Ty grew up with all boys, and our house is pretty girly lately but he does know all the princess movies and is getting to know all the songs! He is a good sport. Well Kennady mom and dad love you so much and am so proud of what a wonderful little girl you are becoming! I can't believe she is already 3, I love her so much and we have so much fun together. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home! Time flies so fast. I can't wait to keep watching her grow and learn! Love you lots little Dee! "I will love you forever, I will like you for always, as long as I am living my "little girl" you will be!" I say this to her every night, it is from my favorite book, but she made me change baby to little girl, cause she is not a baby anymore!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Way to go Cam on the cake, I'm impressed. It's crazy these little kids are growing so fast. It would be fun to live closer and see you. Good job on the blog keep it up it's fun to see.